jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017


Cómo no voy a quererle,
si guarda en cada parpadeo
un mensaje subliminal.
Si lo luce sin pretenderlo,
si me deja el alma en blanco,
en un orgasmo pleno que me empuja
un paso más allá de lo místico.
Una luz intensa que no ciega
pero aturde.

No creo en lo imposible,
me inspiro en lo imposible;
lo hago desde que le toqué
y quise jurar que sus huellas encajaban con las mías.
Lo comprobé.
Nuestras almas bailan aunque nos quedemos quietos.

Acarició mis alas y yo besé las suyas.
Las adoro porque me hacen comprender
que siendo libre decidió quedarse.
Las adoro,
porque son las que pueden llevarle a otro lugar:
Jamás he amado a algo anclado a mí.

Cómo no voy a quererle
si soy suya sin serlo
y sin dejar de ser.

Cómo no voy a quererle
si ahora mi corazón y mi cuerpo lo entienden todo.

miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017


It's time to forgive.

Forgive yourself.
Forgive, for your heart
breaking relentlessly.
Forgive, for refusing to heal.
Forgive, for weeping,
for hurting.
Forgive, for loving
those unworthy.
Forgive, for cursing
those scars that make you.
Forgive, for hating your mind,
your body, your soul.
Forgive, for being
so hard on yourself.
and finally

       - forgive, for taking this long to
              forgive yourself.

martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017


give me everything

your smile, your laughter,
the gleam in your eyes, your
dreams, your goals, the things
that keep you up at night,

give me everything

your hope, your fears,
every time you shed tears,
those secrets that you hide,
your lows, your highs,

give me everything

your kindness, your will, your
love, your soul, every time you
feel, every time you hurt,

give me everything

and in exchange
I will give my
everything to you.

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2017


Her silence was all he needed to hear. It was at that moment he realized he had lost a good one. He thought he was winning, playing his games, and he always knew she would press reset; until his chances ran out, and this time, she pressed DELETE.

jueves, 29 de junio de 2017


There was a time when I could feel my heart but I didn’t understand whether it was beating or not. A time when living seemed so suffocating and maybe there are still times like this... but you know when people say it does get better I didn’t use to believe that. But now when I think it back to the time when everything just fell apart and compare it to now, time did so much. Time does so much that you cannot even imagine how much slowly and gradually the intensity of pain that you felt then and as to how you feel now there's a huge comparison between them both. Everything fell apart in front of your eyes and you just had to watch and let it shatter. I wanted this to end and maybe the only end I was thinking about then was the end of my life because living seemed pretty much the same thing. This heart was dead. I couldn't feel a thing, I couldn't understand anything, couldn't eat, sleep, what was the point seemed like you pretty much were dead anyway right? But no. I was wrong. Wrong in so many ways, the amount of priority you give to situations, to people isn't even worth anything. Because at the end of the day these are the people that kill your heart but they live. You kill your heart for people? For temporary people, who probably won't even be in your life in a couple of years time. Do you ever think about this?

miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017


Quan neix, la gota encara no sap que d'aquí a dos segons s'esclafarà contra la pica de la cuina. Il·lusionada, llisca per l'últim revolt de la canonada i treu el cap per la desembocadura de l'aixeta. La llum dels fluorescents l'enlluerna. Se sent com la passatgera de tren que, després d'haver concentrat la mirada en un llarg túnel, surt finalment a cel obert. Encuriosida, s'atura al bec de l'aixeta. La inèrcia fa que trontolli i que, després d'un lleu balanceig, caigui al buit. Durant els primers mil·límetres d'aquesta trajectòria -iniciada amb més esperança que no pas convenciment- , l'envaeix el vertigen.


It still hurts when I see you.

I still miss you sometimes.

It hits me in the middle of the night when I'm laying alone with nothing but my thoughts. It hits me in the middle of a math class when I'm working on solving an equation. It hits me anytime it wants to, but it's happening less and less.

You're happy. It's not because of me. I still wish it was, but I'm happy for you. All I want is to see you happy.

I'm happy too, most of the time. I have good friends, a good life. I'm learning I don't need you for my happiness.

I think that this is letting go. I think that this is moving on.

It feels so good.

viernes, 10 de marzo de 2017


It's so fucking twisted, you know. This whole "love" thing. Like really? You fall in love and you literally fall. You crash to the ground and I swear to god all your bones break. You're fucking shattered but you don't notice because you've got this beautiful boy whispering in your ear and kissing your neck and nothing else matters. But then he leaves and suddenly you feel it. You feel everything. And you're hysterically crying in your car at 4 in the morning in some empty parking lot because it's the only place that doesn't taste like him and you're trying to hold your bones together but his old t-shirts don't work as a cast, wrapping them around your chest won't fix the craters in your ribs. Nothing stops the aching.

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017


When you drop a glass or a plate to the ground it makes a long crashing sound. When a window shatters, a table leg breaks, or when a picture falls off the wall it makes a noise. But as for your heart, when that breaks, it's completely silent. You would think as it's so important it would make the loudest noise in the whole world, or even have some sort of ceremonious sound, such as the gong of a cymbal or the ringing of a bell. But it's silent and you almost wish there was a noise to distract you from the pain.