jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019


She loved you, trust me when I tell you she did, You were everywhere, in her prayers and in her every wish. You were everything for her until you decided to break her. She was shattered, but even with all the pieces you broke her into, she loved you with all her strength. She wasn't perfect, part of her was hidden in her prayers and part of her radiated on her smile. She waited for you to realize your mistake, but every day she woke up to find you gone, part of her faded.

She cried so many nights, she wept even in crowds. Your smile haunted her when she tried to live without you. You were everywhere, in all sad songs and all the long winter nights. The woman you broke is someone you'd ache for years but never get her back because her heart isn't something you'd own after shattering it without regret. She left because she was tired of shattering every time she looked at you. She was tired of justifying your actions.

She tried to hold on, she tried to forgive your mistakes and every time she pardoned you, you stabbed her heart mercilessly. She gave excuses when you wronged her. You broke her even after she tamed your raging storms and accepted all your flaws. One day you'll feel her void. You'll yearn for her voice, you'll crave for her touch and in every stranger you shall meet, you'll look for her eyes but sadly, you will never even have a glimpse of her face.

And when they ask you about her, tell them the truth, tell them that you were weak, weaker to keep a woman who loved you madly, endured wholeheartedly forgave you every time you ruined her. And when you start missing her, remember all the times you made her cry, remember all the wishes she wasted for you, remember all the prayers she made for you and by then you'll realize that you lost your share of happiness in her and now she's gone for good.

- @talesofmaya_

jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017


Cómo no voy a quererle,
si guarda en cada parpadeo
un mensaje subliminal.
Si lo luce sin pretenderlo,
si me deja el alma en blanco,
en un orgasmo pleno que me empuja
un paso más allá de lo místico.
Una luz intensa que no ciega
pero aturde.

No creo en lo imposible,
me inspiro en lo imposible;
lo hago desde que le toqué
y quise jurar que sus huellas encajaban con las mías.
Lo comprobé.
Nuestras almas bailan aunque nos quedemos quietos.

Acarició mis alas y yo besé las suyas.
Las adoro porque me hacen comprender
que siendo libre decidió quedarse.
Las adoro,
porque son las que pueden llevarle a otro lugar:
Jamás he amado a algo anclado a mí.

Cómo no voy a quererle
si soy suya sin serlo
y sin dejar de ser.

Cómo no voy a quererle
si ahora mi corazón y mi cuerpo lo entienden todo.

miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017


It's time to forgive.

Forgive yourself.
Forgive, for your heart
breaking relentlessly.
Forgive, for refusing to heal.
Forgive, for weeping,
for hurting.
Forgive, for loving
those unworthy.
Forgive, for cursing
those scars that make you.
Forgive, for hating your mind,
your body, your soul.
Forgive, for being
so hard on yourself.
and finally

       - forgive, for taking this long to
              forgive yourself.

martes, 19 de septiembre de 2017


give me everything

your smile, your laughter,
the gleam in your eyes, your
dreams, your goals, the things
that keep you up at night,

give me everything

your hope, your fears,
every time you shed tears,
those secrets that you hide,
your lows, your highs,

give me everything

your kindness, your will, your
love, your soul, every time you
feel, every time you hurt,

give me everything

and in exchange
I will give my
everything to you.

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2017


Her silence was all he needed to hear. It was at that moment he realized he had lost a good one. He thought he was winning, playing his games, and he always knew she would press reset; until his chances ran out, and this time, she pressed DELETE.